Contact Us
If you would like further information about the courses we provide, or to enquire about face-to-face courses for your company, please contact us.
You may also find answers to your questions in the FAQ section below.
Send us a Message
Contact info
Silvana Holt
T: 0161 797 4962
M: 07376 634655
E: [email protected]
Frequently Asked Questions
Our training needs are very specific to our organisation, can you tailor this for us?
Yes of course.
At Compliance Training Ltd, we specialise in making our courses bespoke to organisations and also their specific industry. We start by gathering information, learning more about the business, the employees, clients, industry, training needs.
We then design our courses around this information to ensure that they are relevant, effective and specific to the needs identified and the organisation. Please contact us to see how we can help.
Can you deliver your courses remotely?
Almost all of our courses can now be delivered via live video conferencing. The sessions are still very interactive and are proving to be well received and very effective. Please let us know which course/s you are interested in and we can quickly let you know how we can help.
Where can I see a list of upcoming courses?
We have a number of open courses that you can view here and book on. If the course you’re interested in is not listed, please contact us.
We are interested in several courses. Do these all have to be run as separate courses?
Most of our courses can be incorporated into a training day (or 2 depending on numbers of topics required). We have some clients that book us to deliver 3, 4 or even more subjects in the one day.
We are really flexible in our delivery and some clients utilise this to make it more effective for their organisation. Not all staff will require all these topic areas, so we have clients that swap staff around throughout the training day, so that they are only covering topic areas that they are in need of.
Please contact us so we can see how we can create your training day.
Are you still delivering training face-to-face?
As well as adapting to be able to deliver our courses remotely, we have also adapted to enable us to safely deliver our courses face-to-face.
All our courses are delivered with very high standards of COVID measures in place (It helps that we have been delivering Infection Control training and Health & Safety training to our clients for over a decade!!!).
Happy to discuss these measures further with you.
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Providing a wide range of training courses in the North West.