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BNI Presentation

BNI Presentation

Well, today we presented Compliance Training Ltd to an audience of 30+ businesses. Great opportunity to promote our business and the services and courses we provide. Thank you BNI Genesis.

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BNI 60 Seconds

BNI 60 Seconds

Congratulations to Silvana Holt of Compliance Training Ltd for winning the best 60 seconds award today! Being specific really pays off when someone in the room knows the company you want an introduction to! Well done, Silvana, a great example of how it should be done ?

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I am pleased to say that we were invited to join The Made in Bury Brunch Club. Went today and loved it!!! Fantastic way to gain support from other professionals and help build connections. Looking forward to becoming more involved with the group, in particular with the charity work that they undertake.

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Best of Bury

Best of Bury

Very excited…      We are now member of Bury’s brightest business community – The Best of Bury. Really pleased and looking forward to working with other trusted local businesses.

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Welcome Marisa!

Please welcome our new team member Marisa, who is joining us as an apprentice, helping with our business development and admin. I am sure Marisa will prove to be a valuable member of Compliance Training Ltd.

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Bury Means Business: Information Sharing Event for the Care Sector

Bury Town Hall, Knowsley Street, Bury OVERVIEW As we specialise in healthcare training, in particular the Care Certificate, we were asked by Bury Council to give a talk on how to implement and manage Care Certificate training within organisations. We covered the following areas within our presentation; Overview of The Care Certificate and why it...

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